For most people, home is where they
are from. A hometown is a place special to everyone. You grow up there, the
earliest memories of life were formed and the first friends were made. Everyone
has different experiences, some move around a lot, some not at all. Everyone
has without a doubt felt that feeling of finding himself or herself in a new
place, unfamiliar and foreign. Whether that is in a different town, state or
country being exposed to somewhere new puts you outside of your comfort zone.
For many including me, we thrive outside the comfort zone. Going somewhere new
is exciting and refreshing and we all know the feeling of realization about where
you are and what you’re doing. I’m sure everyone felt that as they began
freshman year at CU and even more so if you did a study abroad program. When
you move somewhere either permanently or for an extended period of time, you
recognize that you have a new home. My home is in Boulder, I spend the most
time here and the majority of my belongings are with me. My home home is back
in Parker Colorado where my parents lived. I have not lived there since 2009 I
have only visited.
Homesick in
America presented the idea that transitioning to a new home is difficult. The
task is made even more trying by moving to an entirely new country. It goes to
show that just because you speak the same language, people are unique
everywhere. By coming to America from England, it was shown that two countries
although similar in many ways, are, when you really get down to it quite culturally
different. For my study abroad program, I chose to do Semester at Sea, for 3 ½
months I visited 12 different countries including the United States. Nearly
every week it was a new country, a new language and a new culture. Although we
weren’t able to spend as much time as we wanted to in each port, we found the
best ways to make due with the time we had.
It without at doubt changed me in many ways and proved that wherever you
go, there will be similarities and differences and the ability to welcome those
similarities and embrace the differences is what discovering a new culture is
all about.
I like how you are able to relate our writing class back to your semester at sea experience.