Sunday, December 16, 2012

Describing a Friend

With dark hair and a skin tone with a sun kissed touch. My friend Christian is a unique person who certainly lets it be known. His hair when wet looks similar to hair on a wet distressed dog. But when dry, he sports a haircut unlike others, one that is done up in some strange pattern with a large amount of gel. His tattoos of the Virgin Mary and angels in gothic form mark his devotion to the Catholic Church in beautiful artwork form. His style is current, skinny jeans and a button up proves that he cares about his look. While someone may think he is tough, those who know him recognize the act he puts on. Apart from being one of the funniest people I know, Christian is among the hardest working. Going to school and working nearly 40 hours a week might take a toll on some people, but for Christian his philosophy is simple. In order to make the money he wants, he must work for it. Not only is my friend Christian one of the most interesting people I know, he is one of the most genuine.

The "Bull"

            After reading, “Bull on the Mountain” by Oliver Sacks, I sat for a few minutes attempting to explain to myself what I had just read. I liked the story, and as an outdoorsmen myself I can relate to a bit of his experience. However, this story had me questioning Mr. Sacks as an avid outdoorsman. First off, he ventures out to climb a mountain by himself in a foreign country knowing that someone did the same exact thing and died doing it. Secondly, his ego seems to be something he is very proud of. All of his work in the gym and the gifts that nature has blessed him with has given him the ability to conquer whatever physical feat lay ahead of him. Unfortunately, he has not conquered fear. At the sight of the bull, he slowly turns around and then loses his cool and begins running. I think pretty much everyone knows that running down a mountain is never a good idea.
            His strength and desire are definitely proved after he manages to climb down after his injuries but I still question what caused them in the first place. Did Mr. Sacks really see a bull? Near the introduction, he has the audacity to call himself a bull referring to his strength and toughness. It’s quite possible that he, “the bull” fell on his own. While maybe as a person, I am not a fan of Oliver Sacks; I really did enjoy his writing style. He was not afraid to make a bit of fun at himself and he certainly did not downplay his self-confidence and I think that added a lot to the story. Overall I thought it was an interesting read and it reminded me a lot of the movie 127 Hours with James Franco who plays a man who is forced to cut his own arm off after getting pinned by a boulder in a canyon. It’s a great movie based completely off of a real story. One of my favorite scenes is linked below.

The Room

Here in Museum Collections, a building I did not know existed is a room. This room in this “Museum” houses no historically significant objects as far as I can tell. What is this museum then? Some Dinosaur bones on the way in were nice to look at but so far that is all I have seen. But yet we are in this room and it is unique. The glossed over windows make it seem as if it is cold and snowy out. The one window that is cracked open proves otherwise. Sitting in silence, pens floating over paper, all that is heard in this room is the sliding of the arm as we all write about this room.
            However, outside this room, through that cracked window there is the hustle and bustle of life. A motorcycle drives by and the bits of green tree that is visible waves in the breeze. A burst of sirens becomes alive; no one reacts as it quickly fades into the distance. The mumbling of the professor in the next room lets us know that we are in fact not alone and that there are others in a slightly different room that it without a doubt unique to them. In our room, it seems very ordinary. The one thing that really stands out in particular is the poster near the door. On it, a large spider with words underneath him and on the rest of the poster. A few words stick out due to their font color, “Use toxic chemicals for defense”. There is a word in front of that phrase but from where I am sitting I cannot read it. It could be don’t or do or please or never, who knows, but I am curious.